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They are most related to other cephalopods like squid or cuttlefish.

They are distantly related to other mollusks such as oysters or slugs.

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Q: What is an octopus related to?
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What is related to a squid?


What are cuttlefish related to?

squids and octopus.

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Are octopus and squid spiders of the ocean?

No. Lobsters are related to spiders and scorpions, but nobody knows if octopus and squid are.

Which animal is not related to a cat?

A cat fish An octopus

Which animal is most closely related animal to the squid?

The squid and the cuttlefish. Wikipedia has more information, and a link is provided.

What are the difference between cuttlefish and octopus?

I think the difference is that cuttlefish has less legs than an octopus. =) =ㅇ =D!An octopus also has no shell, while cuttlefish have an internal shell

What do bivalves have to do with a octopus?

They are related: cousins of sorts. see:

What are some different types of octopus?

I think it depends on the type of octopus. I think the most common type of octopus is called the Common Octopus (octopus vulgaris). Hence the name! One of the most venemous types of octopus is the Blue Ringed octopus. If you are looking for a better answer search for 'types of octopuses' and maybe it will tell you which ones are more common.

What is the giant squid related too?

Some of it's relatives are cuttle fish, squid and octopus.

What is a cuddle fish?

There is no such thing as a cuddlefish. It is called a "cuttlefish", and it is a large mollusc that is related to the squid and octopus.

Does octopus have exoskeleton?

Although related cephalapod species do have shells elements either external or internal, octopi do not.