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The responsible party is the courier, or the owner of the Hazardous Materials. EMA and Fire Departments may HELP or ASSIST in the mitigation if threats. But recovery and cleanup is the sole responsibility of the courier of the product (If the material was in transit during spill or release) or the OWNER of the product (If it was a static spill or release)

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The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).

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Q: What federal agency is primarily responsible for protecting your environment from contamination by hazardous materials release?
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Which agency is primarily responsible for protecting our environment from contamination by hazardous materials releases is?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is primarily responsible for protecting the environment from contamination by hazardous materials.

He Federal agency responsible for regulating interstate shipments of hazardous materials is?

The federal agency primarily responsible for protecting your environment from contamination by hazardous materials releases is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

What are the differences between hazardous and non hazardous waste and the relationship of this to potential contamination?

Hazardous wastes are materials that are to be discarded (i.e. are wastes) but can be a danger to people or to the environment and meet the definition based on the identity of the material or on test results. If hazardous wastes are mixed with the nonhazardous wastes, the result is a hazardous waste. A non-hazardous waste is something that is to be discarded (i.e is a waste) but does not meet the definition of a hazardous waste.

What is biological contamination arising from weather conditions?

It is things like acid rain , when we let fumes and gas go into the air it enters the environment and lets it polute our earth .

What are you responsible for when analyzing a hazardous materials incident at the awareness level?

When analyzing a hazardous materials incident at the awareness level you are responsible for recognizing the presence of hazardous materials.

Biological contaminants is?

Biological contamination is living organisms such as fungi, viruses, or bacteria. Biological contamination are products that can be hazardous to an animal or human.

Which type of law is being enforced when the Environmental Protection Agency closes a business due to environmental contamination?

The type of law being enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in this scenario is environmental law. The EPA is responsible for enforcing laws and regulations related to environmental protection, including those addressing issues such as pollution, contamination, and hazardous waste management. When the EPA closes a business due to environmental contamination, it is done to protect public health and the environment, and to ensure compliance with environmental laws.

Is Windex hazardous for the environment?

It is.

Hazardous materials are only hazardous to the environment True or False?


What are lab aprons used for in science?

Protecting yourself when using hazardous chemicals or materials.

Are printing cartridges hazardous to environment?

Yes they are. some are toxic to your health and to the environment.

What is HAZMAT?

The meaning of the word hazmat refers to the word hazardous or dangerous. For example, hazardous chemicals released into the environment can be dangerous to the population. Hazmat is basically a flammable material that is toxic to the environment if precautions were not taken.