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Q: What fertilizer to make hostas grow bigger?
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How do you make plant grow bigger?

we should put water every day and and take care of it

Do you need fertilizer to grow carrots?

Yes, any vegetable you sow will grow faster and bigger if you use fertilizer. It also depends on the soil you plant it in. If the soil has enough nutrients it will make the carrot/plant grow faster.

What do you have to do for tree to grow?

you but fertilizer to make a tree grow and water it

How can you make your breasts grow bigger and bigger?

You can't make your breasts grow bigger and faster. Your breasts grow as they are meant to and there is nothing you can do to speed-up that process or make them grow bigger.

If you grow marijuana with fertilizer will it be poisones to smoke?

no it will just make it taste bad most people will use fertilizer to grow it jsut stop using fertilizer on it a couple weeks before harvest and it iwll be fine there will be no more fertilizer left in it

What is the meaning of ferlitazer?

Fertilizer is a substance that is used to make crops grow. The Native Americans showed the Pilgrims how to make crops grow by planting dead fish with the seeds. Often manure is used as a fertilizer to make crops grow. Chemicals are used as well to keep bugs, and animals, away, but, the chemical use of fertilizer can have negative side effects.

Does fertilizer make plants grow taller?

there are different plants in the country,so some plants doesn't grow taller even you put some fertilizer on it.. but it became healthy..:)

Will fertilizer make dead grass grow?

No. If the grass is dead it's dead.

Do push up bras make your breasts bigger?

The make you breasts look bigger but they do not make your breasts grow bigger.

What is fertilizer pollution?

Fertilizer pollution is when you use it in the wrong ways or when you over do it and kill all the plants that your trying to make grow and pollute the air .

When you work fertilizer how do you make it big gardening mama?

if u mean how do make your plant bigger you unlock it the more bonuses you get

How do you make alien grow?

You put them in the fridge until they grow bigger.