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Q: What feudalism were Europeans better able to deal with outside threats?
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Europeans better than African?

No, even though europeans are reacher than African doesn't mean they're better.

Why were the Europeans more advanced?

Better culture, more quality and productivity.

What were the two main affects of the Crusades on Europe?

Increased trade with the middle east,unified all of Europe in a battle against Muslims,helped break down feudalism,and formed better relationships with the Muslims

How did the Crusades lead to the end of feudalism?

The crusades helped to end Feudalism by changing the triangle hierarchy and shifting the power. During the crusades the Christians and European people started to not only hate the wonderful Muslims but envy their work and great ideas. So the Europeans started to do business and trade with the Muslims. Peasants started to see they could better themselves by leaving the manor and becoming merchants trading with the Muslims on the coastal. So now peasants were merchants and merchants were added to the hierarchy changing the triangle and feudalism. Now peasants power and wealth increased, nobles power decreased, and kings power increased by the taxing of more people. This power also decreased the nobles because their protection wasn't needed anymore due to the fact the king could now buy an army for protection. So the deal between nobles and knights soon decreased and the feudal hierarchy began to end

Why did the first nation and europeans learn to get along?

The First Nations that first met the vikings between 500 and 10 000 years ago included The Mi'kmaqs, The Haudenosaunee and The Mountagnais. Both First Nations poeples and Europeans were surprised to meet people that seemed so difffrent from themselves so they decided to get along because they wanted to know each other better and not get themselves in stupid idiot wars.

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In feudalism 2 how can you get better units?

Conquer better towns.

Why were serfs treated better after the crusades?

Feudalism broke down after the crusades

Europeans better than African?

No, even though europeans are reacher than African doesn't mean they're better.

What is better feudalism or democracy?

Democracy. In a democracy the people can change the government through non violent means. In feudalism there is one controlling power and the people are told what to do and how to live.

How did social Darwinism affect European attitudes?

It led Europeans to believe that they were better than Asians and Africans

Why were the Europeans able to carve up almost the entire continent of Africa?

Europeans had superior weapons, better transportation networks, and they had better communication networks.

How did social Darwinism effect europeans attitudes?

It led Europeans to believe that they were better than Asians and Africans.

What was the way of life of the middles ages called?

The way of life for much of the Middle Ages is called feudalism. Manorialism, which it is also called, is probably a better name because there is no really firm definition of what feudalism is.

How did Europeans benefit from advances in catrography?

Better maps of the world

How were the Europeans able defeat the Indians?

they had better weapons to use

Does sound travel better inside or outside?

it is travels better outside because of air space

What was the biggest effect the Columbian exchange had on Europe?

New types of food helped many Europeans live better types of foods helped many Europeans live better lives.