

What fish are like betta's?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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14y ago

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There are over 20 members of the Betta family that I know of. They are all small fish and all have the same labyrinthine breathing system. None of them have the magnificent finnage of the common Betta splendens though. Other relations of the Betta are all of the other Anabantids including the Gouramies.

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Do bettas kill guppys?

Bettas will eat baby guppys as will most other fish, but in general, male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with other species of fish

Do betta fish fight with other breeds of fish?

No. Male Bettas only fight with other male Bettas.

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Can betta fish live in a big tank with other fish?

I've always been told that bettas should live seperately which seem rediculous because they don't live like that in nature. Yes, bettas can live with other fish. Male bettas can get along with plecos, some tetras, mollies, guppies (not the fancy sort), etc. They should not be put with fish that have long fins, nor should they be kept with fish nippers (like barbs). Males can not live with other bettas though. Female bettas can live with other female bettas (as long as there are more than two females since they have a pecking order). Female bettas can live with the type of fish I described for the male, as well. Just be careful with tank mates, and have a back up plan if the fish do not get along. Make sure each fish has plenty of space and love, and you should be fine. -Raz

Why do boy bettas hate other boy bettas?

bettas are very territorial fish, the males fight for their territiory.

What does it mean if your betta looks like it has fur?

It has fur coat syndrome and will most likely not survive. If it is in an aquarium with other fish (especially fish related to bettas) you should get an antibiotic to treat the water with to prevent the other fish from catching it. It is normally caused by your bettas water getting to cold (below 74 degrees F). Bettas are tropical fish and like to have their water at around 78-80 degrees. Sorry about your betta.

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In every fish store does every shipment of bettas always have black or white bettas?


What other fish can female bettas mix with?

peaceful fish

Bettas and goldfish?

Male bettas should be kept alone. Female bettas can sometimes be kept with other fish, but in a large community tank. Bettas need their space!

Can you mate different kinds of color betta fish?

Yes how do you think the multicolored bettas came to be the fish are still bettas no matter the color they are.

What to do when one betta fish is pulling other betta fish fins off?

If these are male Bettas they should never be kept in the same tank. Male Bettas (or 'Siamese Fighting Fish') are strongly territorial and won't tolerate the presence of another male. You can keep Bettas just about anywhere (a jar will do) since they're a labyrinth fish and can breathe air. Separate your Bettas.