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Q: What five letter word starting with 'sk' and ending in 'l' is an exclamation at a toast?
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· toast · Total cereal · Trix cereal

What is the Italian toast 'Cin cin' in English?

"Cheers" is an English equivalent of the Italian toast Cin cin.Specifically, the Italian word may be used as an exclamation. It may be used as a feminine noun. Either way, the meaning and the pronunciation remain the same: "tcheen tcheen."

What utensil should you tap on a glass with before starting a toast?


What words that start and end with the letter t?

toast + taunt

How do you change bread to toast with only one letter change?

If it is a doublet, where you change one letter at a time to make another word until you eventually reach toast, then the answer is: bread-->breaK-->bLeak-->bleaT-->bleSt-->blAst-->bOast-->Toast If it's not, then it could possibly be the the "change" of moving the "r" in bread to the end of toast, which would give you toastr. A toaster toasts bread, which would change bread into toast.

What are some items that begin with the letter T?

== == toe tower towel toast

What does skumps mean?

The Urban Dictionary lists "Skumps" as meaning "a word used to cheer or toast something; an exclamation; a cheer during a toast", and gives as its exampe the word's usage in Sleeping Beauty: "Skumps!Skumps!A toast to the home..." (There doesn't seem to be any other reference to the word 'skumps', in the dictionary or anywhere else on the internet, and I've never heard the word before, so I would be interested to know where the Disney filmmakers got it from...)

Something you eat for breakfast starting with t?

Tex Mex Potato and Egg Skillet, toast, tomatoes, trout...

How much toast could a toaster toast if a toaster could toast toast.?

It depends, how much toast do you have.... It also depends on how many toast your toaster can toast.

When you roll down a hill on a bike without peddling change one letter from toast?
