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sometimes you cant, but there is a way, you can put something like glue in the crack and even it out but it just means that it may skip a bit in or movie.

there are lots of other ways but it never gets it properly so that was the best i could do. Carmen Harris(:

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Q: What fixes deep scratches on a game disc?
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How do you get scratches of of a GameCube game?

scratches are indents in the disc or where a tiny part of the disc is gone. they cannot be taken off, for they are not a physical object attached to the disc.

If my GameCube won't read a game is it broken or is the game?

It's the game. Cleaning the disc usually fixes it.

How do you clean white scratches off a game disc?

with one of those disc cleaners. you can buy them at a game store for $12-$30.

How do you get scratches off a game disc?

For lightly scratches sometimes either Colgate Toothpaste, Or any brand of peanut butter will work.

How can you clean scratches from a ps2 game?

You need to go to your local game seller and then they may have a disc cleaner.

How do you get scratches out of your game?

at best buy they have a machin tht gets it all out i have one and it even fixes the rings but the rings will still be there

What should you do if your Wii cannot read a disc?

Try wiping the disc with a towel or tissue to rub off any dust. There are probably scratches on it. If that doesn't work, your game may have too many scratches.

What would you recommend to repair scratched Playstation 2 games?

Most rental or used video game chains such as Hollywood Video and Gamestop offer a disc resurfacing service for a few dollars per game which should remove the scratches and allow for error free playback of the game disc. If the scratch is too deep, however, there is no option but to replace the disc with a new copy as the data will be corrupted.

How do you make a scratches on a ps2 game disc come off?

Buy a new one then don't scratch it

How do you fix a wii game disc that wont work?

If the disc has scratches that make it not work, try using a pencil eraser and rub from the center to the edge. It rubs off a small layer that rubs away the scratches. Hope this helps!

How can you clean an Xbox game so it can work again?

What you can do is buy what's known as a skip dr or game dr, both are the same thing. The way these work is you spray a fluid on a disc [prevents abrasive scratching), then either manually or with motor assistance, spin the disc and the resurfacer rebuffs the disc thus repairing it. WARNING!!!!! Devices such as these WILL NOT repair gouges or deep scratches, only surface scratches can be fixed. Furthermore, this should ONLY BE DONE IF the disc skips too frequently or completely refuses to play. Rebuffing can also ruin the disc so only do it as a last resort.