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Q: What flour will clump and hold together when squeezed tightly?
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What will flour do in warm water?

It will usually clump and thicken. This is unless you can continuously stir. If you add butter/margarine, you can create a roux.

What happen when the bottle was gently placed on top of the flour?

Different things can happen if a bottle is placed gently on flour. If the flour is all spread out on a counter, then the bottle will leave prints in the flour. If the flour is packed tightly, then it is possible for the flour to be able to hold up the bottle.

Is there a real need for flour sifters these days?

Flour and other dry ingredients sometimes need sifting, because if you live in a humid area the ingredient can clump up in their storage container. Some bakers make do with just a whisk to fluff up the flour.

What is the shelf life corn flour?

Corn Flour Shelf Life: up to one year in a cool, dark cabinet if properly stored in a sealed container or if tightly wrapped. The shelf life increases if the flour is stored in the freezer.

How many grams of flour in a tablespoon?

6.21. or I have accurate electronic scales and found that : 1 level Tbsp White Flour is 10 Gram. The flour was NOT packed tightly, it was scooped out gently. On line cooking sites list 1/4 ounce of flour as weighing about 7 grams

Is SR flour the same as plain flour and baking powder mixed together?


How can one identify flour varieties?

You can identify flour varieties by using the following:colortexturewhether it clumps when squeezed togethrits consistency when mixed with water - some flours absort more water and will make a stiffer dough (Mix 1/2 cup of flour with 2 tablespoons water)tastecomparing it with flour that is known to be a certain variety

What will happen if a person blows air through the tube at A to disperse the flour above the burning flame?

All of the surface area of all the particles of flour will be exposed to ignition at the same time, and a flash fire or explosion will take place. Flour in a solid clump is barely combustible, but as a dust mixed in the air, VERY explosive.

Is cornstarch the the same as corn flour?

No, cornstarch is a different product all together than corn flour. Corn flour is called Cornmeal in the U.S.

Using outdated bread flour?

You could use out-of-date flour, but - depending on the flour, the storage and how old it is - it may have become stale, rancid, developed off-flavors or picked up off odors. Your own nose will help you determine this. You can make a small test batch, too. Any storage pest development will be obvious.

How do you change all purpose flour to self rising flour?

Add 1 teaspoon of baking powder for each cup of all-purpose flour and sift them together.

What do you get if you put salt water and flour together?

you get bread dough