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Q: What fluid is produced by synapse?
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What is contained inside a synaptic terminal?

There is isotonic fluid inside the synapse. Neurotransmitter is released there inside the synapse.

What part of the brain produces serotonin?

it is stored in vacuoles then released into the synapse.

What can cause synapse to not function correctly?

An abnormally thin dendritic spine can yield poor neural impulse conduction; and drugs like LSD which mimic neurotransmitters may "clog" receptors & cause continued activation, I think. I suspect there could also be problems with the PRODUCTION of neurotransmitters or with the conveyance of vesicles containing NT to the synapse. Synapses are spaces or junctions between two neurons. The principle of synapse works on mechanism of neuro-transmitters and neuro-inhibitors. When a nerve impulse reaches the end of one neuron to travel to the next one, at that moment acetylcholine is produced in the synapse. Acetyl choline being a neurotransmitter helps to transmit the nerve impulse. Right after the nerve impulse has passed through the synapse, a neuroinhibitor such as cholinesterase si produced to stop the action of acetylcholine. At a particular synapse, these two chemicals are produced at a very high rate. This is how a nerve impulse works. But suppose if the production of these two chemicals is affected, the synapse will not function properly.

What is the greenish fluid produced in the liver?

the greenish fluid produced in the liver is called bile

What is the junction point between neurons?

A synapse is the junction or a point of close contact between two neurons.

What is the definition of fluid force?

The amount of force produced by a fluid.

What is the space between two adjacent nerve cells?

its known as the synapse. Through the synapse is where impulses travel from brain cell to brain cell.

What is the name of the region where two neurons are in done contact is known as?

synapse is that junction through which impulse can be transmitted from one neuron to another.

Space between nerve cells is called?

Are you meaning between the buttons of the first nerve cell and the dendrites of the second one? If so, then it is called the synapse or synaptic cleft!

What is the plural of synapse?

The plural of synapse is synapses.

Neurons connect together at a?

Synapse Synapse

What is a synapse and how is information transmitted at the synapse?

A synapse is the gap between two neurones where messages can be sent.