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you definitely should NOT replace healthy foods with junk food.

I'm a vegetarian, and i try to get protein from fruits and nuts. also, milk is good, but if your diet excludes milk as well, try soy milk.

good luck!

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Q: What food should vegetarians not eat while on their diet?
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What is the difference between Indian vegetarians and Chinese vegetarians?

I'm a vegetarian and someone who has a lot of Indian friends. I do know many true Chinese vegetarians. The thing is that Indians have a very greasy diet. Not all of them are vegetarian but being or not, they fry lots of things and put butter in a bunch of things. Now, the Chinese, from China I should add, they steam the vegetables and have a light diet. The Chinese food from the USA is not the real Chinese food. They adapted the food here for the American taste, which is deep fried stuff...So, in comparison, the Chinese people have a much healthier vegetarian diet than the Indian.

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Is milk a nonvegeterian food?

Generally, milk is included in a vegetarian diet, so milk is not a non-vegetarian food. A strict vegetarian diet is usually called a "vegan" diet and it does not included milk or any food derived from animals, like eggs. Milk is a very important part of the diet of vegetarians in India.

Why is it important for vegetarians to obtain protein from a variety of sources?

For vegetarians get all their nutrients from plants and dairy products. Unlike vegetarians, the non-vegetarians get a lot of nutrients from the meat. Hence the vegetarians are supposed to have a more balanced diet.

Do Harvester ants prefer a carnivorous diet or a vegetarian diet?

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Why do some vegetarians have doubts about following the Zone Diet?

Many people think the zone diet is all about eating nothing but meat, because of the high protein requirements. Therefore vegetarians feel they cannot follow this plan. In fact, there are many ways to get protein (eggs, peanut butter, legumes), and the Zone diet also offers a variety of other food options.

What kind of diet plans are offered by Nutrisystem?

Nutrisystem offers a variety of different diet plans. There are two different plans for men and women. There are other diet plans for older individuals and vegetarians. An additional diet plan offers specially selected frozen food for everyone.

Can vegetarians eat turkey burgers?

No, vegetarians do not eat any kind of meat.

Vegetarian food pyramid?

This is the food pyramid for vegetarians

How is vegetarianism unhealthy?

As with any diet, if you don't eat a balanced diet, you could end up with vitamin or other nutrient deficiencies, leading to severe illnesses. Some vegetarians eat too much refined food, just like non-vegetarians. Vegetarians who continue to consume dairy and eggs may end up consuming just as much cholesterol and animal protein as those who eat meat.