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Q: What food substance is stored in the body after absorption where they are stored and what are they used for?
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The villie is stored in your stomach to squash down food.

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assimilation is the absorption of nutrients from the food we eat by our body

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Which type of food can be stored as body fat?

Sugar and carbohydrates are stored as body fat. This is extra energy that the body doesn't need and so it is stored as fat.

Does the stomach store food for later use in the form of fat?

Fat is how the body stores food. However the stomach doesn't' actually store the food. The intestines will move the fat to various places in the body to be stored until needed.

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i dont know but i think that the villi absorbs the energy or food substance by the small holes.

How is absorption involved in processing food?

your body absorbs all the nutrients from the food you eat before dissolving it

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Where is most of the digested food stored?

Digested food isn't really stored, it passes through the body at a steady pace.