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the food wraper that keeps an apple from spoiling would be not a container but lemon juice keeps apples from getting brown and ishy ~ godd luck

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Q: What food wrapper keep an apple from spoiling the least?
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Who originated the saying One bad apple spoils the whole barrel.?

The internal bacteria that are spoiling or decomposing the rotting apple spread to adjoining, healthy apples and start spoiling those apples before they would begin to spoil on their own. That's why we separate spoiling and overripe food as often as possible -- to minimize the spread of the spoiling bacteria.

What chemical keeps food from spoiling?

An enzyme

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Was it hard to eat in space?

In the start, it was difficult because of spoiling. But now the food is frozen to keep it from spoiling.

Food storage of apple?

Fresh foods such as fruits should be stored in cold temperatures, preferrably the refrigerator. This is to slow down the process of bacteria multiplying, and spoiling the food. I recommend storing in the fridge door or the fride drawer.

Can a wrapper be recycled?

A clean paper wrapper can be recycled. Wrappers that are made from plastic film are usually not recycled, and any wrapper contaminated with food will not be recycled (for example, a pizza box).

How do Viking keep their food from spoiling?

They cover it in salt. this preserves it.

A chemical that keeps food from spoiling is a example of?

it is an example of a inhibitor

How can people prevent food from spoiling?

Food can be preserved by putting into sealed cans. Or frozen, or kept cool in a refrigerator. Vacuum packing, freeze drying, salting, air or oven drying, pickling in vinegar, can also be used.

Which is a bad way to prevent decomposers from spoiling food?

not keeping it refrigerated

Why was the elecric refrigerator invented?

To keep food from spoiling and keep it cold.

What happens to food when spoiling occurs?

It decays and grows mold and maggots