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If they follow Jewish Law, then they are bound by the same Laws as everyone else. If they do not follow Jewish Law, they are not so bound. Reform Judaism gives its worshipers the choice of whether to follow Jewish Law if they feel that it enhances their spirituality.

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Q: What foods are Reform Jews allowed?
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What do jews have to eat?

Orthodox Jews are only allowed to eat kosher foods.

What foods are jews not allowed to eat at the same time?

Meat and dairy.

Are kosher Ashkenazi Jews allowed to eat kosher Sephardi foods?

Yes, but Ashkenazi Jews are stricter than Sephardi Jews.

Do orthodox Jews and reformed Jews use the Torah differently?

The only difference is that in a Reform congregation a woman is allowed to read from the Torah. Otherwise the Torah is used the same way in both sects. Please note that it is Reform Judaism and NOT Reformed. Reformed would mean that the religion has stopped evolving. Reform Jews believe that Judaism should adjust with the times and that is why it is Reform as opposed to is still changing.

How do orthadox and reform Jews celebrate shabbat differently?

Yes. Orthodox Jews do "everything by the book". Reform Jews do anything they want.

How do reformed Jews celebrate Passover?

Reform Jews have only 1 seder instead of 2.

When do jewish people eat kosher foods?

It depends on the level of observance. Orthodox Jews eat nothing BUT kosher foods.

Are the Ashkenazi Jews and Reform Jews the same Jews?

Reform Judaism had its origins in the Ashkenazi community, but there are plenty of Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews and plenty of Reform Jews with Sephardic backgrounds. In Europe, you can find Liberal synagogues (analogous to the Reform movement in the United States) that are dominated by Sephardic Jews, predominantly in French speaking countries that welcomed many Algerian Jews after the collapse of French North Africa.

What are the main differences between orthdox and reform synagogues?

orthodox Jews are traditional and reform Jews have mordenised their traditional ways

How are orthodox different from reform Jews?

Orthodox follow halacha; Reform don't.

Are animals allowed at a Jewish wedding ceremony?

Good question. I don't think Orthodox Jews allow it, but the Reform Jews might. It depends on the rules of wherever the wedding is being held and if their pets can handle large crowds.

Can Orthodox Jews marry Jews from different branches?

Yes. My maternal grandmother was Orthodox and married a Reform Jew and she switched to Reform Judaism.