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Vitamin C is found in : Citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberries, melon, green pepper, tomatoes, dark green vegetables, potatoes.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) : Pork, liver, whole grains, enriched grain products, peas, meat, legumes.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) : Liver, milk, dark green vegetables, whole and enriched grain products, eggs.

Niacin : Liver, fish, poultry, meat, peanuts, whole and enriched grain products.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): Pork, meats, whole grains and cereals, legumes, green, leafy vegetables.

Folic Acid : Liver, kidney, dark green leafy vegetables, meats, fish, whole grains, fortified grains and cereals, legumes, citrus fruits.

Vitamin B12 : Found only in animal foods: meats, liver, kidney, fish, eggs, milk and milk products, oysters, shellfish.

Pantothenic acid : Liver, kidney, meats, egg yolk, whole grains, legumes; also made by intestinal bacteria.

Biotin : Liver, kidney, egg yolk, milk, most fresh vegetables, also made by intestinal bacteria.

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Q: What foods are good for water soluble vitamins?
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What is the difference between water soluble and water unsoluble vitamins?

Basically vitamins are two kinds.1. Water soluble vitamins2. Fat soluble vitaminsWater Soluble Vitamins:These vitamins are easily dissolved in water. Water-soluble vitamins are carried to the body's tissues. Body keeps the amount what it needs and the excess amounts are excreted in the urine. Body cannot store the water-soluble vitamins. Every person needs continuous supply of water soluble vitamins in order to maintain healthy body. Plants and animal foods are good food sources for these vitamins.Fat Soluble Vitamins:Fat soluble vitamins cannot dissolve in water, generally these vitamins are stored in fat. In a person with a healthy digestive system, the body uses what it needs and the remaining levels stored in the body for future needs.

Is riboflavin water or fat-soluble?

Riboflavin is more commonly known as vitamin B2. B and C vitamins are known as the water soluble vitamins, compared to the A, D, E, K vitamins being soluble in fat. However, solubility of riboflavin in water is not very good. Solubility of 0.012% (12 mg in 100 mL water) is mentioned in scientific literature dating back to 1942.

What are the six major nutrients in the food pyramid?

All of the nutrients needed to support good health are found in the foods in the healthy food pyramid -- proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, water soluble and fat soluble vitamins minerals including micronutrients, and phytochemicals. ermm iloveyou!

Do vitamin supplements always get absored?

No, they are not. In order for water soluble vitamins (such as B, C...) to be absorbed best, take with water, for fat soluble vitamins (E,D...) take with fat. You don't need much of either fat or water to absorb. For instance, butter on toast is fine for fat and enough water to swallow your vitamins is good for the water soluble. B-12 is a vitamin that, in some people, who lack a particular enzyme, cannot be absorbed by the stomach and they are the ones who need to get B-12 by injection.

Is fresh food good for you?

Yes, fresh is very good for you. You get to eat the vitamins that are still in fresh foods. Cooked foods have less vitamins in them.

Most vitamin a is stored in?

Are vitamins stored in the body? Yes. Some more than others. Lipid-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin E, are stored in fat cells until needed. Answer: Vitamins stored in the body are fat-soluble; they are vitamins A, D, E, K. Vitamins that are not stored in the body are water-soluble: Folate, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin(B2), Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine(B6), B12* and C. *B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the body, primarily in the liver.

What foods and vitamins are good for a penis?

none all pre-programend in your genes

What kinds of foods are a good source of vitamins and minerals?

All fruits and veggies

Fried foods and sweets are good sources for what?

Fried foods and sweets are good sources of sugar and fat. These foods have very little nutritional value and not very many vitamins and minerals.

What is the good source of an orange?

Vitamins and water

Is fat good for you?

Absolutely yes! You need SOME fat on you!

How is fiber vitamins minerals and water important to the body and what are some examples of foods they are found in?

flax is an excellent source of flax and vit, figs are good source of fiber, take them always with water as they need water to work properly