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Broccoli and acidic foods such as lemon chicken are likely to make a breastfed baby fussy. The same is true for foods that are spicy.

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Q: What foods are likely to make a breastfed baby fussy?
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Is fussy an abstract noun?

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It should give directions on the bottle. But my question is why baby needs gripe water? Is baby breastfed or formula fed? Have you called the baby's Dr.?

Will it hurt your breastfed baby if you took a teaspoon of sildec-pe cough syrup?

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What do you feed an exclusively breastfed baby after he is weaned?

Normal table foods that you would eat and whole milk either in a cup or bottle. If the child is older than one you might want to consider skipping the bottle altogether and giving him a sippy cup to start out with.

If a child does not get breastfed while it was a baby would the baby die?

No, not if it is receiving proper nutrition from formula. There are definite health benefits from breastfeeding, such as that it builds the baby's immune system up, but it is not an absolute requirement for the baby to survive.

How does it feel to nurse a baby milk?

I'm A mom of 2 and I breastfed both them and it hurts. They suck so hard on your nipples

How long after giving birth should you give milk to baby?

The best practice is that once the newborn baby's condition is stabilized, the baby should be brought to the mother's breast and be allowed to nurse. To continue that best care of the infant, it should exclusively breastfed for the first year of its life. After that, the child can be fed other foods including cows milk as the mother slowly tapers off breastfeeding.