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god knows darlings

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Q: What foods became readily available to humans that werent available before?
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Why do cave men sleep in the cave?

It was a readily available shelter before humans developed the skills of building.

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As it is similar in structure to human hearts and they are readily available whereas most humans are buried with their hearts.

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Insulin from pigs is cheaper and more readily available than insulin from humans.

Why is ocean water not readily available for humans?

Because it has to be desalinated in order for it to be drinkable (potable). We cannot live on salty water. Also, it cannot be used for irrigation.

Who ruled the world before the Volturi?

humans did cause the volturi had not became vampires yet

Is it true that before humans became involved in agriculture most people were hunter gatherers?

Actually, ALL people were hunter/gatherers before agriculture.

Are humans the main cause of extition?

For some creatures, possibly and even probably. The dinosaurs became extinct before any humans got involved in all this debate. So, no.

Are their still dodo birds?

No, they became extinct a short while before the ice age, they were hunted by humans and the predators we introduced.

Has Edward Cullen killed anyone before?

In the book he kills James (in the movie Alice does it with Jasper and Emmetts help)Edward used to hunt evil humans before we became a vegetarian

What means before humans?

The prehistoric era was before humans.

Why aren't there any human fossils in coal?

Dinosaurs (the ones that became coal) were living before humans (or most mammals for that matter) were ever around.

Were dinosaurs extinct in the 19th century?

Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. Dinosaurs died off long before humans came into existence.