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Some theories suggest that blood type is directly related to the types of food one prefers and should eat. In the blood type diet, a person with type O blood should eat a diet high in protein, while eating less grains and dairy foods, and and AB type diet would prefer a more mixed diet.

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They should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They should avoid dairy and wheat products that can upset their gastrointestinal system. Organic meats are also considered healthy for those with blood type O.

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12y ago

Type O negative blood type are suppose to eat high protien foods. Meats poultry and fish as well as fruits and vegetables and eggs would benifit you. You can also supplement with vitamins as well.

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Q: What foods can a person with a O negative blood on the blood type diet?
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What diet should be followed by a person with type a negative blood?

The diet for specific blood types that is generally accepted focuses the difference between the diets on the type of blood (i.e. O, A, or B) rather than the positive or negative charge associated with the blood type. There is no specification for a person with negative type blood.

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The foods that is on a blood sugar diet are Healthy carbohydrates, Fiber-rich foods, Heart-healthy fish, 'Good' fats, this type of diets are for people with diabetes.

Is there a diet that has foods for blood type a negative?

It has been suggested that A-negative types undertake a vegetarian diet, consuming as much fresh, organic food as possible. This has not been scientifically verified.

In what ways do people get their diet food Does something bad really happen if you don't eat your diet food?

In today's world there isn't too much of a negative side affect with eating foods outside of your specific blood type diet because we have intermingled so much. However, the foods that a blood type b person should be eating are rice, poultry, and pork.

What are good foods for an 0 negative blood type diet?

Some of the best foods to eat are Ezekiel bread, broccoli, and spinach. Other things like fish and cereals are good for the diet. Also, drink lots of water.

Should people with negative or positive blood types eat a special diet?

There is a theory that those with RH negative blood are more susceptible to food allergies. There is a specific diet you can follow, but it is not necessary in my opinion to follow this diet.

What foods should I be eating as a person with a positive blood type?

A person with A positive blood type is recommended to eat a vegetarian. It is also suggested that for their diet to have low protein and dairy consumption.

What is a blood group diet and is it safe to go on?

A blood group diet is one that considers different types of foods to be "safe" for a person with that type of blood. This type of diet will not account for people with food allergies or different tastes and should not be followed without a doctor's recommendation.

Where can I find a list of foods for blood type A positive person?

I general list of good foods to eat while on a type A diet can be found on It gives a list of foods that are recommended and not recommended.

What are the best foods for a person with type b blood to eat?

There are no particular foods which are geared toward a person with any particular blood type. Maintain a healthy diet by eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein and drinking lots of water. That will keep you and your blood healthy and happy.

Does eating have to do with blood types?

There are certain foods that are better for certain blood types. For example, people with type B blood type should focus on a dairy centered diet. A person with type A should focus on an organic vegetarian diet.