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Are there any kinds of food that causes twisted bowl. thank you

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Q: What foods can cause twisted intestines?
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When a horse colics and the intestines twist can a horse have a bowel?

Colic is the condition horses have when they have any form of digestive system pain, therefore whenever the intestines are twisted this will cause pain and so will always be referred to as colic. But there are many types of colic and not all involve twisting of the intestines.

What is the cause of intense cramping?

Cramping can have various causes. Menstruation, a tight belt, foods that produce gas in the intestines, unsuitable foods, adhesions in the intestines after an operation can all cause cramping. ./Brian W

What is chorn's disease?

It is when your intestines are all twisted and waste is backed up on you

Why do lambs get twisted bowel?

In most cases lambs will get twisted bowel as a result of bowel obstruction. This is caused by twisting of the intestines.

Do crabs have intestines?

yes crabs do have intestines because in order for them to have a digestive system you need intestines to help digest foods

Can cats die from Hernia?

Yes, if the hernia gets intestines protruding into it and the intestines become entrapped, twisted or strangulated.

What is the treatment for twisted bowel?

The only way to treat a twisted bowel is to undergo a surgery called laparotomy. This is a minimally invasive surgery and will put the intestines back into a natural position.

How do twisted vertebrae affect a person?

Twisted vertebrae cause back/neck pain. In some cases, if the twisted vertebrae is in the cervical spine, it can cause nerve damage. Twisted vertebrae can be fixed with chiropracty, or surgery.

Can twisted vertebrae in the back cause tinnitus?

Not likely, but a twisted nerve in the neck might.

Does eating to much causes damage to the large intestines?

it can cause the small intestines to stretch but i dont know about the large intestines

How do you take care our small and large intestines?

by eating healthly foods

What is then organ that breaks down the foods?

The Intestines Breack Down Your Food