

What foods can give you heart disease?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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  1. wholemilk dairy products
  2. butter
  3. cream
  4. ice cream
  5. cream cheese
  6. shrimp
  7. kidney
  8. duck
  9. goose
  10. pork
  11. beef
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12y ago
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Q: What foods can give you heart disease?
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What kind of oily foods give you heart disease?

chicken nuggets

Foods that cause heart disease?

red meats

What disease does your heart give your body?

none you give your own heart a disease by to much cholesterol. and eating unhealthy.

What heart disease is a person have if his artery supplying nutrients to his heart is blocked?

its coronary Heart disease it willl cause people that eats most salty foods

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What is found in meat and dairy foods and can cause heart disease?

Saturated fats can cause heart

What are some of the foods that are recommended to help prevent heart disease?

Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids are known to prevent heart disease. These include shellfish and salmon. However, an overall healthy diet including fruits and vegetables is also important in preventing heart disease.

Is heart disease common?

Heart disease is becoming more and more common due to the fact the growing number of people eating unhealthy foods regularly such as processed foods like fast food and ready meals. These foods contain lots of saturated fats and salts which can cause heart disease and cardiovascular disease, which do kill. Many more heart disease charities are being set up for the increasing number of deaths due to heart disease and deaths due to this disease are becoming more common as is the disease itself.

What effect does heart disease give to the heart?

eating fatty food

How is vegetarian diet good for heart disease?

Most of the causes from heart disease come from our diet. Consuming animal based foods and processed foods leads to a buildup of arterial plaque and general inflammation within the body. If one switches to a minimally-processed, whole foods, plant-based diet, heart disease can not only be prevented but reversed. See the related link for a video of a woman who has reversed heart disease just by changing what she ate.

What is cholesteral?

cholesteral is found in fatty foods and if you have to much fatty foods your cholesteral can be high and blocks your arteries, then you can have heart attacks

Eating fatty foods may your chance of getting heart disease?
