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Q: What foods can you eat to give your face more color?
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How do you get zits out of your face?

Zits is produced by your skin that produces too much grease in your skin. Wash your face more often and take more showers. Eat less greasy foods, and eat more healthier foods in your diet.

Why does face get more darker than body skin colour your face is more darker but your legs and hands all other parts are lighter than your face?

The color of your body parts may not match the skin color of your face if you have been through a skin bleaching operation.

Why should you eat healthy foods and not junk foods?

Healthy foods give you more energy and give you the important vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay strong as well supplements your body

Does Safflower Oil help acne?

No. Acne is caused by dirt and oil clogging pores. Adding more oil to it will not help. You need to wash your face, use a cream like Boots, and give yourself a facial mask once a month. Watch your diet and cut out the junk foods/fast foods.

What foods give you bad gas?

Beans, beans, beans.......good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you fart.

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Laser jet gives very real color prints.

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The broiler is generally used to give a grilled effect on foods. The heat temperature is very high and foods cook more quickly.

Which foods are good for different blood types?

Different doctor may have answers as to what foods are best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your doctor may be able to give you a list of foods to avoid or which to enjoy more of.

Does a baconator have more calories then KFC?

Please sepcify what meal or foods at KFC to give an accurate comparison.

Can you give me examples of hs foods?

High fiber foods are an example. Beans are high in fiber and make you feel more full. Oatmeal is another HS food

Can overwashing your face give you more pimples?

Well ONLY wash your face twice a day once in the morning and once at night. And yes it can, because it can strip your face of its natural ingredients.

How do you stop smoke from talepipe?

It depends on what color the smoke is. Give us more info.