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Pretty much any food can cause an eczema flare up, but the most common culprits are:

-Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc)

-Wheat (breads, many cereals, pretzels, etc)

-Acidic Fruits (blueberries, cranberries, many canned fruits)

-Seafood (Scaly fish, lobster, clams, etc)


-Nuts (Peanuts, brazilnuts, walnuts, etc)

Keep in mind that other factors besides food can contribute to eczema flare ups, such as stress, environmental pollution, or irritants.

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Related questions

Can you prevent eczema?

There are things you can do to help prevent eczema, but since we don't know all of the causes, you can't completely prevent it. Some things you can do. Get a food allergy test - foods you are allergic to can cause eczema Stay away from detergents and soaps that are scented. Good luck!

Is eczema disgusting?

Eczema is a frustrating condition to deal with. Our son has eczema but he has gotten a lot better since we discovered foods he was allergic to and eliminated them. A lot of people are embarrassed to have eczema.

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Eczema do not cause low white blood cell count.

Why do people have eczema?

We don't know why each person has eczema. I think it could be different reasons for different people. With that said, it is likely there is a cause. For some it is food allergies, for others, it might be something else. Don't believe someone if they tell you there isn't a cause. Keep seeking answers and you may find them. With our son, food allergies are the main cause. He had really bad eczema and once we eliminated foods he was allergic to, it cleared up 90%.

A skin condition called eczema is caused primarily by?

Eczema is a skin condition cause primarily by inflammation. A doctor can prescribe cremes to help a breakout of eczema.

If a person has eczema are they allegic to certain food?

Yes you can but I'm not certain of what foods they are.

Can eczema go to one dog to another dog?

No, eczema is not contagious. If your dog has eczema you should ask your vet. I know one cause of eczema can be from the diet the dog is on so it's a simple change of the food.

Can cocaine use cause or worsen eczema?


Do nerves cause eczema?

There is very possibly a link between nerves/anxiety/stress with exaggeration of eczema symptoms, but this is usually where someone has eczema anyway, just that it may get worse.

Can body spray cause eczema?

well i have eczema and body spray will make it even worse if u put it in the area u have eczema but like me u can put it on ur clothes

What can you do for baby eczema?

I would recommend that you try and find the cause of the eczema. Many doctors will tell you there isn't a cause, that is what they told us. However, we did not believe that to be true. After trying different things, we finally had a food allergy test done. Our son was allergic to dairy, soy, and several other things. Once my wife cut these foods out of her diet and his (breast feeding), his eczema cleared up about 90%. Then we found some natural remedies that helped with the other 10%. Good luck.