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Q: What foods were brought to Europe from America for Thanksgiving?
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What are some foods that were brought over by the Spaniards to Latin America?

Some foods brought by the Spaniards to Latin America include wheat, sugar cane, citrus fruits, grapes, and various herbs and spices like cilantro and oregano. Additionally, animals such as pigs, cattle, sheep, and chickens were also introduced.

What foods were brought from America to Europe during the columbian change?

Some foods included pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, and turkey.

In what way did the exploration of America change the diet of European people?

New foods like corn were brought back to Europe.

Which foods came to Europe from the Americans?

Europe brought many foods to America such as lamb, pig, cow, chicken, plum, and apples

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What was the Thanksgiving feast actually?

the thanksgiving feast was actually like a treaty between the Indians and pilgrims. at that feast the Indians brought lots of foods from the land thst they grew, that the pilgrims didnt know about.

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he helped by bringing new foods to Europe and brought new foods and animals to the Americas.

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kwanzaa and thanksgiving have similar foods

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List foods that the European brought to the Americas from Europe snd those foods that they took from the Americas to Europe?

Thank u so much u have been a big help to me with my school work in use this sight everyday. thank u so much.

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