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The soldiers during the civil war ate hardtack.

They also ate salted pork.

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Gardner Fisher

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2y ago
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14y ago

Civil War soldiers ate meat, drank coffee (they had sugar), and hardtack biscuits.

Meat - this was mostly salted preserved meat (think 'Virginia' style ham found in US grocery stores) though some fresh meat could have been stolen donated from whatever farm or town they might have been near by.

Hardtack - VERY dry and hard biscuit. You could have built houses out of them. Just flour, water, salt, and fat. This cracker was given to Union soldiers. Confederate soldiers had a similar corn based fried biscuit called the "johnny cake".

These are not the only foods they ate, of course, just a list of staples that all civil war soldiers were likely to eat.

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13y ago
Diet and Food Preparation for the British Army during the War of 1812

Every morning at nine o'Clock the men were served breakfast consisting of bread, along with milk, soup, tea, or saloop, and occasionally butter. Some supplemented their breakfast rations with privately-purchased food such as cheese or pork. In the afternoon, between twelve-thirty and one o'clock, the soldiers would then sit down to dinner. Before the sitting, the tables were draped with cloths and set with plates, knives, forks, and spoons; only then would the meal be served. Once seated, the men were expected to rise from their meals only when the officer of the day entered the room to receive a mess report from the orderly sergeant. One regiment described dinner as consisting of "soup well thickened with meal, flour, or rice, and with the meat there must be a sufficiency of vegetables." However, the standard daily ration established in British North America changed continually. By the time of the War of 1812 each soldier was being supplied with:

1 lb. of flour,

1 lb. of fresh beef or 9 1/7 oz. of pork,

1 3/7 oz. of pork or 6/7 oz. of butter,

3/7 pint of pease,

and 1 1/7 oz. of rice

If hospitalized, the soldier received a pint of milk porridge or rice gruel for breakfast; meat, potatoes, and bread for dinner; and a pint of broth from the meat for supper. In case of fever, animal food was not allowed. Instead a "spoon diet" was provided which is described as tea for breakfast, "a quarter pound of bread made into panado or pudding with as much milk or sago" for dinner, and tea for supper. For soldiers eating with their families apart from their comrades, they typically enjoyed a breakfast of milk and bread; a dinner of meat, vegetables, salt, and bread; and a supper of milk and potatoes or broth, and bread. Supper was not allotted for the unmarried soldiers.

While the preferred types of meat by military officials were beef and mutton, mutton does not appear to have been issued to the soldiers in Upper Canada. Instead it was likely purchased privately by the troops and kept for special dinners held by the men on occasions such as Christmas, royal family member birthdays, and battle anniversaries. One soldier noted that having too many celebrations, as ordered by the regiment's commander, usually left the members of the mess continually in debt.

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11y ago

They ate Corn meal mush, beer, cider and cake.

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12y ago

they ate soup every morning withe milk bread and butter and for dinner soup thickener well.

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