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ummmmmmmmmm yea i dont know thats why i came here!

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16h ago

The Coriolis force, caused by the Earth's rotation, can cause spinning columns of air like hurricanes and tornadoes to tilt and rotate. It influences the direction of the winds in these weather systems by deflecting them to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Q: What force is created by the earth can tilt spinning columns of air?
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What type of destructive force formed pine mountain?

pine mountain was formed by a constructive force. earth's plates colliding created pine mountain.

If the earth stopped spinning would you lose gravity?

No, you would not fall off the earth if it stopped spinning. Earth's gravity, which holds you onto the planet now, will still hold you onto itself.if wat u mean is lik if the earth suddenly stopped spinning would u fall off;obviously impossible, but if it was to happen u would not fall off but u would get shot a few miles in the direction that the eaarth was spinning before due to ur enertia (aka an object in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by another force... lik the wall). tht would b cool though if u didnt die from it. and even cooler if u were in a helecopter. o.o if u were hovering still in connecticut, the next second you'd b in lik new york. ud b lik wtf? this thing has more kick than i thought. so to answer ur question briefly, if the earth suddenly stopped spinning, u would not fall off... but it would b very painful. but if u mean tht if the earth stopped spinning would there still b gravity, then yes there would still b gravety. all matter makes gravity. spinning doesnt make gravity. gravity is caused by the way tht matter creates a warp in the fabric of space time. other objects tend to fall into it if close enough. (u make gravity too) so lik ya tht pretty much covers it.

What force is everywhere around earth?

The force of gravity is both everywhere around and inside Earth.

What pulls down the object to earth?

Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. This force is responsible for keeping everything on the Earth's surface.

Why are you attracted to the earth?

Attraction to the Earth is caused by the force of gravity.

Related questions

How does the earth keep gravity?

Gravataional force is applied by the spinning of the earth.

If earth stopped spinning would it loose atmosphere?

If Earth's rotation suddenly stopped, the atmosphere would not be lost. However, there could be significant changes in atmospheric circulation patterns and temperature gradients, potentially leading to extreme weather conditions.

When was Earth Defense Force created?

Earth Defense Force was created on 1991-10-25.

Why the gravitational acceleration increases if earth stops spinning?

When the earth is spinning, the rotation along with gravity creates centrifugal force. This is the same as the force that happens when you swing a yo-yo around by the string, the string is like gravity in that scenario holding the yo-yo close to you.

Does the solar system cause earth rotation?

No. Once an object starts spinning it does not need anything to keep it spinning. In fact it would take a force to stop the rotation. Earth has been rotating since it first formed and its angular momentum has kept it spinning.

Will the weight of the world stop it spinning?

No, it is the mass of the Earth that keeps it spinning steadily. The Earth is in free fall going round the Sun so it feels no force on it. The force is exactly balanced by acceleration towards the Sun. But because the Earth is big and the Sun relatively close, the point of Earth nearest the Sun (where the Sun is overhead) has a little more force than the centre, and twice as much as at the opposite point, and the difference is called a tidal force.

When was Prefectural Earth Defense Force created?

Prefectural Earth Defense Force was created on 1986-03-21.

What is a spinning force?

Centrifugal force .

What causes earth flattening of the earth at two poles?

used by spinning motion of the earth around its axis passing through the poles...the force being max at the equator...since at tym of formation, earth was in fluid state, the force of cohesion was small & could not balance the centrifugal force...hence it bulged out at the equator

What happens when the earth stop spinning?

The earth wont stop spinning unless something big hits it - then we would all die from the collision. A counter rotational force is required to stop the earths spin, otherwise it will just go on rotating.

What name do astronamers give to the wobbling of the earth on its axis?

The precession of the Equinox. This precession moves the equinox through zodiac constellations. We are now in the Pisces constellation and we will move into the Age of Aquarius in the year 2100, 89 years form now.

What type of force is used when an object is spinning?

The type of force used when an object is spinning is called centripetal force. This force acts towards the center of the circular path, keeping the object moving in a curved trajectory rather than moving in a straight line.