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Africa, aisa, north and south america

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Q: What four of the seven continents were the earliest farming areas developed?
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On which four of the seven continents where the earliest framing areas developed?

the four earliest farming areas developed are North America, South America, Africa, and Australia

On which four of the seven continents were the earliest farming areas developed?

Africa,Asia,norht America.south America

N which four of the seven continents were the earliest farming areas developed?

Asia Africa Antarctica north America

What does heartland new zealand mean?

The term "Heartland New Zealand" is used most often to refer to the rural farming towns and areas, as opposed to the heavily developed metropolitan areas.

Terrace farming is used to overcome the problems of farming in which areas?

Hilly and mountainous areas.

How the continental shelves developed?

The continental shelves were developed in between the glacial periods as the ocean flowed over the continents forming shallow areas along the coasts. The continental shelves developed today were formed like 18000 years ago.

What is extensive animal farming?

Extensive farming most commonly refers to sheep and cattle farming in areas with low agriculture productivity. It is found in the mid-latitude sections of most continents. The nature of extensive farming means it requires less rainfall than that of intensive farming.

What are the two continents in the largest land areas?

The two continents with the largest land areas are Asia and Africa.

Are there any fertile farming areas in Bolivia?

Yes but there are few fertile farming areas in Bolivia

What method of farming is used mountain's areas?

mixed farming

What is the difference between a rural area in a developed and a less developed country?

Rural areas in developed countries, have several things, that less developed coutries have. 1. access to countries infrastructure. i.e. Power, communications. 2. clean water 3. access to food Most rural areas in developed countries, are rural because of farming, or geographical isolation. In many rural areas in less developed countries, there are no organized governments to ensure the aquisition of clean water, food, power, communications, mantainance of those infrastructure items.

Where did farming begin?

It is likely that farming first began in the Fertile Crescent of Western Asia, Egypt and India. These areas are the sites of the earliest known planned sowing and harvesting of plants that had grown previously in the wild. See the related link below for more.