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Hilly and mountainous areas.

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Q: Terrace farming is used to overcome the problems of farming in which areas?
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A farming method that involves creating and planting small flat areas on the sloping sides of hills or mountains is called?

Terrace farming.

What kind of farming is done in hilly areas to protect soil erosion?

Terrace Farming or terracing is effective in conserving the soil and increasing fertility.

What steps taken to control soil erosion in hilly areas?

Plough around the hill, staying always at the same height a.s.l. This is called contour ploughing.

How does Terrace farming decrease soil erosion?

Terrace farming are step-like features. These step-like are usually cut out of mountainous areas. Using these method, it prevents rain from washing away soil, hence preventing soil erosion.

Where did people develop terrace farming?

People developed terrace farming in various regions around the world, including Asia (such as in the Himalayas), South America (such as in the Andes Mountains), and Africa. Terrace farming involves building steps or platforms on hillsides to create flat areas for agriculture in mountainous or hilly terrain.

Why do you think farmers is the Huang valley incorporate terrace farming?

Farmers in the Huang valley incorporate terrace farming to maximize arable land on steep slopes, reduce soil erosion, and manage water runoff effectively. Terrace farming allows them to cultivate crops in areas that would otherwise be unsuitable for agriculture, helping to sustain food production in challenging terrain.

What does the implementation of terrace farming tell you about the geography of the Inca empire?

The implementation of terrace farming by the Inca empire suggests that they inhabited mountainous regions with steep terrain and limited flat land for agriculture. Terrace farming allowed them to maximize agricultural production by creating flat areas for cultivation on the slopes of mountains. This geographical feature influenced their agricultural practices and contributed to their ability to sustain a large population in challenging environments.

Define terrace cropping?

Terracing is the process by which a hillside is converted by humans from a diagonal slope to a stepped slope. This provides flat areas that can be farmed more easily than on the slope. Terrace cropping is another term for farming on terraces.

Did the Mayas use terrace farming?

Yes, the Maya civilization practiced terrace farming, especially in the mountainous regions of Mesoamerica. By building terraces into the hillsides, they were able to create flat areas for agriculture and prevent soil erosion. This technique helped them grow a variety of crops, including maize, beans, and squash.

What is the type of farming known in which farming is done on steps?

Terrace farming is the type of farming where crops are cultivated on steps or terraces that follow the natural contours of the hilly or mountainous terrain. This method helps to prevent soil erosion and allows for efficient water management in sloped landscapes.

What is the importance of terrace farming?

Terrace farming helps to prevent soil erosion on steep slopes by breaking up the flow of water and reducing surface runoff. It also helps to conserve water by trapping and retaining moisture in the soil, making it ideal for farming in areas with limited water supply. Additionally, terrace farming allows for efficient land use in mountainous regions, maximizing crop production in challenging terrain.

Did Incas use terrace farming?

Yes, the Incas were known for using terrace farming to grow crops in the Andes Mountains. They built elaborate terraces on steep hillsides to create flat, level areas for planting crops like corn, potatoes, and quinoa. This method allowed them to maximize agricultural productivity in challenging mountainous terrain.