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Slaves were considered one-third of a person. Three slaves were the equivalent of one person.

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Q: What fraction of a free citizen did slaves have prior to the 13 and 14 amendment?
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Which amendment declared the right of US citizen to vote?

The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution (1870) guarantees the right to vote, intended to apply to freed slaves after the Civil War. The 19th Amendment (ratified 1920) guaranteed the nationwide right for women. Prior to these two amendments, individual states had established requirements for their citizens to vote, and no mention was made of voting in the Bill of Rights.

What amendment gave the rights back to former slaves?

The 15th Amendment to United States Constitution (1870) was an instrumental step towards granting civil rights to African-American former slaves and their descendants. The 15th Amendment specifically enumerated that color and ethnicity, and being a prior slave are prohibited factors from preventing the right to vote.

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The first amendment prevents the prior restraint of information. The first amendment gives people the freedom of speech and religion.

Which amendment made blacks citizens?

admendment 14

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Prior to the Civil War, the Tenth Amendment was used to support

What state free slaves last?

Kentucky was the last state to free its slaves legally. The other two border states had already radified amendments prior to Kentucky and the rest were freed through the emancipation proclimation. Kentucky was the only state to have its slaves legally released from bondage due to the federal governments passage of the 13th amendment.

Contract Amendment?

Get StartedThe Contract Amendment is a document used to change one or more provisions of a an existing contract or agreement as an alternative to preparing a new contract.Multiple amendments should be avoided, especially if one amendment amends a prior amendment. Instead, a single amendment should be prepared which restates and revokes all prior amendments.

Did New Hampshire approve of slavery?

Prior to the American Revolution there were slaves in New Hampshire; in 1783 they issued a new state constitution that said that all people born in New Hampshire thereafter were free, including children of slaves; howeve people who were born slaves prior to 1783 were not automaticly freed by this; also it did not prohibit the importation of slaves; so there were still a small number of slaves in New Hampshire tha twer freed in 1865, when the 13th Amendment to the Constitution prohibited Slavery in all of the United States. Most people in New Hampshire opposed slavery, or were indiffernt to it.

Did Americans ever bring slaves to America?

Yes. Slavery was prior to the ratification of the XIII Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1865) legal. However, it became illegal to import slaves from Africa in 1808 following a bill signed by President Jefferson in March of 1807, which was set to take effect January 1, 1808.

Prior to the 17th amendment who elected the Senators?

They were chosen by state legislators

Amendment 17 of the Constitution changed the?

The 17th Amendment of the Constitution established direct election of United States Senators by popular vote. Prior to this amendment Senators were elected by state legislatures.

In 1870 former black male slaves obtained the right to vote but what about blacks who were not slaves prior to that year?

in 1870 black African American slaves was able to vote