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The freedom that gave was women freedom to work. When the WWI finish it start the inter-war period and all people start having the economic depression so a lot of people get unemployed and women start to work.

Also ww1 gave us the freedom to pay income tax and carry a passport for international travel.

Freedom from torturous harm:

* As a direct result of vast mistreatment of prisoners of war in WWI, almost all nations of the world signed the updated Geneva Conventions, affecting treatment of prisoners of war and non-combatants. (This issue has come up again in recent years with regard to the US 'war on terror'.) * The Geneva Protocols of 1925 prohibits use of chemical or bacteriological weapons. (the Treaty of Versailles, only prohibited the losing nations of WWI from using them.)

After seeing the ripple effect of secret international treaties drawing more and more nations into war, this practice was largely discontinued. Although not a freedom per se, transparency on this level allows nations a sort of freedom-- to make more reasoned decisions on foreign policy.

Beyond this, most freedoms are nation-specific, but the question is not.

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