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Fruits that are a good source of Vitamin B are Mango, Papaya, Banana, Apple, and Grapefruit. Normally, fruits have vitamins of the B complex and other vitamins and minerals.

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9y ago

Most fruits are rich in vitamins. Some have more of particular vitamins. It would be necessary to see a list of all the differences.

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What are the vitamins in the orange fruit?

Like all citrus fruits, the orange is very rich in vitamin C. Like all orange-coloured fruits and vegetables, it is very rich in vitamin A.

Can you get vitamin b12 from dry fruits?

Yes , Dry fruits are a great source of energy and a good companion for travel. On the other hand fruits are rich in B group vitamins, minerals and fiber . So, here we have a compiled a list of vitamin b12 rich fruits, vegetables, and dry fruits so that you can enjoy the benefits of them.

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What are the nutrients in fruit?

That depends on the fruit, and how it's prepared. Many fruits contain sugar, vitamins, and dietary fiber. The nutrients in fruit include vitamins, minerals, water, fibre and natural sugars.

Why is it important to eat fruits?

it makes you healthy and it is a very important part of your diet

What are the top 5 fruits for a healthier diet?

The top 5 healthiest fruits to add to your diet are packed with essential nutrients and vitamins. From antioxidant-rich berries to potassium-packed bananas, incorporating these fruits can boost your health and vitality.

What is full of vitamins?

Vegetables and fruits are full of vitamins and other nutrients. Leafy green vegetables, root vegetables and fruits are especially packed with vitamins.

Can diabetics eat plums?

Grapes and plums are fruits that are rich in vitamins. They are considered medium glycemic index fruits, so they are good for a diabetic in moderation.

What vitamins we get on fruits?

bit a

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What vitamins do fruits and veggies have?

It depends on the fruit or vegetable. instead of asking "What vitamins do fruits and vegetables have?" try asking something more specific, such as "What vitamins and minerals are in an apple?"