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sulphur oxicide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and carbon.

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Q: What fuels are in the air when hydrocarbons are burned?
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What do fossil fuels form when burned in air?

Being hydrocarbons, they produce water and carbon dioxide when burnt in air.

When fossil fuels are burned carbon dioxide and water are produced what elements must be contained in fossils fuels?

hydrocarbons( carbon and hydrogen)

What is produced when hydrocarbon fuels burn inside an engine?

Carbon dioxide and water vapour are produced when hydrocarbons are burned in plenty of air.

When fuels such as coal and gasoline are burned they release nitrogen into the air?

when fuels such as coal and gasoline are burned they release nitrogen into the air true or false

What substances does fuel usually contain?

Most fuels are based on hydrocarbons. When hydrocarbons are burned (oxidized), a significant amount of chemical energy is released in the form of heat.

What do air and fuels have in common?

They can both be burned at high pressures

What energy source produces carbon dioxide and water when burned?

Any fossil fuels, hydrocarbons like coal, oil and natural gas, release carbon dioxide and water when burned.

Why does Coal usually produces more soot than other fossil fuels when burned?

Coal contains hydrocarbons with a high ratio of carbon to hydrogen.

What are hydrocarbons and what are they widely used for?

Hydrocarbons are natural or artificial compounds that contain hydrogen-carbon bonds that can release energy when oxidized (mainly burned). Fossil fuels are organic hydrocarbons and are widely used to generate energy. Simpler inorganic hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane exist in substantial quantities on other planets and moons.

What are hydrocarbons used for not as fuels?


Where do hydrocarbons in petrol and diesel come from?

fossil fuels

Why are hydrocarbons important to humans?

Hydrocarbons are used as fuels, solvents feedstock in organic chemistry.