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Kick the can, hide and seek, cowboy and indians,

Board Games like Easy Money (the forerunner to Monopoly)

Card games like: go fish, solitaire and rummy

Physical games like: neighborhood Baseball, hockey and soccor

I was raised in Massachusetts

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Q: What games did kids play in the 1930s?
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What games did children play in the 1920s?

The children playing in the 1920s and the 1930s would create games themselves with what they had, like for example,if they have only a coin and a piece of wood, they would think how to invent a game with the two items.

What free time games did people play in the 1930s?

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What games did people in the 1930s play?

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One can play online educational history games for kids on the 'Kaboose' website where they have a number of games. One can also play them on 'Kids Past'.

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Yes some bad kids do play video games but there are nice kids also.

How does playing video games academically affect you?

Actually, it depends on what game you play. There are alot of games that are not good for the kids but their parents still let them play. But there are some games that can help kids, like reading games. Actually, it depends on what game you play. There are alot of games that are not good for the kids but their parents still let them play. But there are some games that can help kids, like reading games.

What games do kids in Brazil play?

What I do now is that kids play chase and tag in Brazil.

Are there many Tornado games for kids to play?

If your kids want to play Tornado games there are many for them to choose from on There they will most certainly find Tornado games that they enjoy and they can play them for free.

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