

What gases from the sun?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What gases from the sun?
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Why is sun a hot body of gases?

Sun is a hot body of gases because of the preseence of gases like hydrogen and helium.

Is the sun involved in the greenhouse gases?

Yes. The greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat.

What is the surfaced like on the sun?

the sun is made of gases

What are the major and minor gases of the sun?

the major and minor gases of the sun is that if you dont know just dance gangnamstyle

What is a giant ball of hot gases?

The Sun is a Giant ball of burning gases, but the sun is a star so I'm guessing what you are looking for is the Sun or a Star.

What are Areas of gas On the sun That cooler Then the gases around them?

Sunspots are areas of gas on the sun that are cooler than the gases around them.

How do you know what the sun is made out of?

The sun is made of hot gases

How does the sun get its color?

The Sun gets its colour by its surface gases.

What is the place on the sun where gases get thick enough to see?

The sun

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