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Q: What genetic recombination in meiosis results in daughter cells D-------- from each other and from the parent cell?
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Why is it necessary for homologous to pair during meiosis and not desirable for them to pair in mitosis?

to cross over which results in the genetic recombination

What are the importances of meiosis?

Meiosis produces four haploid daughter cells that are not identical.Meiosis results in genetic variation.

What are the results and implications of meiosis?

Meiosis is the process of dividing a diploid cell into haploid cells. The main results of meiosis are four haploid cells. Genetically, these cells differ from the diploid cell and from each other.

What is the result of crossing over?

The crossing over alleles is critical to the survival and genetic diversity of a species. The results of the random crossing over of alleles is that the offspring will have chance inheritance of certain characteristics from their parents (as opposed to being genetic clones with no diversity). The diversity of phenotypes are among the major manifestations of random crossing.

What Meiosis results in?

Meiosis results in four daughter cells

How does homologous recombination differ from crossing over?

There does not seem to be much difference. Recombination introduces genetic diversity. Single Crossing over results in genetic recombination. Double crossovers may or may not result in genetic recombination.

How are crossing over and recombination related?

Genetic recombination occurs during meiosis cell division. As genes cross over during this process, scientists track the genes to study their linkage.

What do homologous pairs do in meiosis?

Homologous chromosomes line up with each other during meiosis. They enter synapsis which results in crossing over and recombination. Then they segregate to the daughter cells. This results in genetic diversity among gametes.

Why does meiosis result in more genetic variation than mitosis?

It would be wrong to consider mitosis insignificant as it helps in cell repair and replacement in our daily life and it would be impossible to survive without it and asexual reproduction as well but if it weren't for meiosis, none of us would have been born :) Meiosis is responsible for the division for our gamete cells which leads to the formation a zygote. from there on mitosis takes over.

What is meiosis about?

Meiosis is Sexual Reproduction, unlike Mitosis, that is responsible for cell growth and other functions. Meiosis has the same phases as Mitosis except that it undergoes those phase twice (Meiosis l and ll). This results in 4 daughter cells, unlike Mitosis which results in only 2 daughter cells. Also, in Mitosis the daughter cells are identical to the original cell, while in Meiosis, it increases genetic variation, because it has characteristics of both parent cells.

How many cell daughter cells in meiosis?

Meiosis results in four non-identical daughter cells.

What is genetic combination?

in meiosis, prophase 1( the longest stage ) there is a particular stage called PACHYTENE where there is crossing of the chromatids ( the arms of the chromosome) belonging to one paternal and one maternal. there is subsequent breakage and rejoining of the chromatids which results in variation called as genetic recombination.