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For plants, it's (usually) a rigid cell wall. For animals, it's (usually) a more flexible cell membrane. The rest of the shape is up to the function of the cell, what its surrounding area is shaped like, what organelles it has, how it moves, etc.

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8y ago
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10y ago

The cellular membrane, in the case of cells that don't have a rigid cellular wall, outlines the cell and contains the cytoplasm but it's the cytoskeleton that is more responsible for the shape of a cell, which come in a variety of shapes: squamous, cuboide, colunar, neurons, etc.

In cells that do have a rigid cellular wall, such as plant cells, it's the cellular wall that gives it its shape.

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9y ago

The cytoskeleton gives cells its shape as well as the function the cell does. The cell wall or cell membrane also gives the cell it's shape.

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11y ago

The cytoskeleton gives the cell its shape and allows it to move in the whereabouts of the human anatomy.

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11y ago

Cell membrane.

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12y ago

cell wall

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