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Hello, My name is Youjin and I'm from Korea. In our calss, we learn about Egypt. So, I know Just a little bit. Not really.... Pharaohs were the king or Queen of Egypt. Most pharaohs were men but some pharaohs, such as Nefertiti and Cleopatra, were women. Cleopatra is woman. She was so smart. Also, Nefertiti was one of the Queen in Egypt. Nefertiti was elegant beauty. And I think a Pharaoh were important and powerful. Bye... tyele

facts about ancient Egypt for kids Facts about Egypt today ... information on ancient egypt for children

Egyptian Pharaohs

Who were the Pharaohs?

Pharaohs were the king or Queen of Egypt. Most pharaohs were men but some well-known pharaohs, such as Nefertiti and Cleopatra, were women.

A Pharaoh was the most important and powerful person in the kingdom. He was the head of the government and high priest of every temple.The people of Egypt considered the pharaoh to be a half-man, half-god.

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Q: What gods did the pharaoh have a special relationship with?
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What was the relationship between pharaoh and gods?

Two things. The pharaohs said they were chosen by Gods, that they were Gods, and became Gods after death.

Why was the relationship between the Pharaoh and the gods Horus and Osiris important?

ancient egpytians believed that the pharohs were essentially related to, and were intern godly themselves. The pharohs and 'royalty' mimicked the rituals of their gods which included things like incest.

What is the relationship between the sun god and the pharaoh's?

As far as I have read, the Pharaoh was considered "THE SON" of SUN GOD! As Sun God was the chief of all GODs in Egytian Mythology.

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Whose tomb belonged to the great pyramid of Giza?

For the Pharaoh Orris's. He was the Pharaoh of the gods in his after life.

How did society see the pharaoh?

they considered the pharaohs as gods

How is the pharaoh an example of a polytheistic ruler?

The pharaoh is an example of a polytheistic ruler because he/she believes in many Gods.

What was the relationship of the pharaoh and the other Egyptians?

Well a Pharaoh is basically a king / dictator / supreme ruler what ever he considered himself to be and in charge of Egypt. Same as a king is in charge of England. One pharaoh (ramses) considered himself the highest god among all the gods that was worshiped back in the time of ancient eqypt.

What is the story of moses and the pharaoh in the bible?

The story of Moses and pharaoh . Shows that God was more powerful then the Egyptian gods.

What is the relationship between the ruler and the gods during the egyptian period?

There are many periods of Egyptian history throughout most of them, the pharaoh was viewed as the living embodiment of Horus, thus a god in the flesh.

Why where pharaoh's important?

because they were the rulers of Egypt and considered to be gods

Was pharaoh Nefertiti associated with any gods?

Yes, Aten.