

What good luck did Harold have in the Battle of Hastings?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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He didn't really have that much luck, but he did manage to kill Harald Hadraada and his brother Tostig.

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Q: What good luck did Harold have in the Battle of Hastings?
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Williams good luck in the Battle of Hastings?

William defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings

What luck did Harold godwinson in the Battle of Hastings?

Harold didn't have that much good luck. Although he won a battle against Harold Hardrada which meant him and his army had some experience on what it was like in a battle so it would be easier for him to kill William of Normandy in the battle of Hastings's. Thank-you

How the battle progressed at the Battle of Hastings?

The Battle of Hastings lasted only from around 9 am until dusk. William had more men, luck on his side, and the dispute between Harold Godwineson and his brother Tostig to rely on.

How was willian lucky in winning the Battle of Hastings?

yes and no because it was luck that made the wind change so the battle took place just after Harold godwinson had been fighting Harold hardraada. this meant that Harold godwinson's army was tired. no because he had been planning tactics for ages and Harold was unpropered.

Did harald hardrada win the battle at stamford bridge?

Harold Godwineson won the battle of Stamford Bridge, and then William Duke of Normandy won the battle of Hastings due to his leadership, preparation and luck.

What happened by luck in the Battle of Hastings?

I didn't really. However, because Harold Godwineson had to fight Harald Hadraada up at Stamford Bridge, when William Duke of Normandy invaded luck was on his side. It was inevitable that he was going to win.

Who was lucky to win the Battle of Hastings?

The Normans should have won the battle of Hastings because they had a better army and they were more prepared for war. Also, William the Conqurer had more reasons to become king then the other monarchs. In the end, it was they who won the battle.

Why was harold prepared to battle william in the battle of hastings?

to be honest he wasn't because he was up in the north fighting the vikings totally forgetting that William could invade any time in the south however this was just luck!

Which things were bad luck for England in the battle of Hastings?

Harold Godwinson lost his best solider during the battle of StamfordHarold's men had to go south to fight the Normans;which meant they were tiredThey haven't got advanced weapons

How did Harold's bad luck help William?

It helped because first he went to Harold's army to fight then he got some news that William came. Harold went to London got some people and then they walked to the south and they got tired. William had luck to fight against him and a tired army.

What mistakes in the Battle of Hastings would William have had to do to loose the battle?

Well, William would've had to do to lose the battle of hastings, such as: Not having good enough Tactics, Luck, and Resources. He was Sly, and had good Idea's, which helped alot. Hope this works for you...x--x--x love georgi walkerxx

Conclusion of Battle of Hastings?

In conclusion, the main reason that William won is due to him preparing himself and his army with Calvary, good weapons and many trained soldiers. Luck was also a part of him winning because if the wind didn't change William might not have been able to cross for weeks so Harold could have become King of England. Although, William deserved to win as he had put the most preparation, effort and thought into the Battle compared to Harald and Harold.