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Mosquitoes are eaten by animals such as bats, and without them those animals might come extinct. They also can clean pollution out of water as a baby. Get more info at Google search what good do mosquitoes do to us? Hope you liked my answer.

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Q: What good things do mosquitoes do?
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Why are mosquitoes good?

The annoying itching takes your mind off of the more important things that you should be thinking of.

Was tehochtitlan a good environment?

I would guess so. But, since it was in the middle of a lake, you have to take in mosquitoes and things.

What do mosquitoes get eaten by?

a lot of things

Does a ptarmigan eat things that eat mosquitoes?

Ptarmigans only eat plants, so their food can't eat mosquitoes!

Are mosquitoes decomposes?

No, they are consumers. Decomposers break down dead material. Mosquitoes feed off other living things.

Do mosquitoes have a good behavior?

Only if they are not black.

What are all the different things are in the air?

Clouds, sky, mosquitoes 

What good things have mosquitoes done to the world?

When they take your blood they could be taking a virus. The male and female are both nectar feeders. Maybe like bees they make more things grow.

Are mosquitoes born with diseases?

That is a good question! Mosquitoes do not die from the diseases they carry. Otherwise the would not get chance to transmit the diseases they carry.

What bad things about mosquitoes are there?

Well, they spread malaria, that's pretty bad.

Why are Mosquitoes on earth what do they do?

Mosquitos are blood sucking bugs and are pesky little things.

Is mosquitoes a producer?

they produce many things, like disease. Yes, they are producers