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Q: What good things happened after MLKs death Wasn't there a law that was passed that was a big step for the Civil Rights movement?
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You can use it to illustrate alot of things.

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Father of our nation Mhatma Gandhi had passed away.

How much time past or passed?

The correct usage is "time passed." "Past" is used as an adjective to describe things that have already happened, while "passed" is the past tense of the verb "pass," meaning to move on or go by.

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The women's movement has fought for different things at different time periods. They've fought for the right to vote, and for the right to equal pay for equal work.

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what 2 important things did the federalists do to help get the constitution passed in the state? Answer :The constitution gave the nationalists the strong national government they wanted, they became known Federalists!

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I think they accept it.

What two important things did the federalists did to help get the constitution passed in the states?

1) Added Bill of Rights 2) Left Slave trade alone

What two important things did the federalists to to help get the Constitution passed in the states?

1) Added Bill of Rights 2) Left Slave trade alone

What things happrnd in the us?

More information is needed, such as: * What 'things' are you referring to? * Who these things were to have happened to? * Where in the US these things happened? * When these things were to have happened?