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Q: What government relief has simply destroyed the moral of farm labor?
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What theme is most closely related to this quote from 1938 Tenant to Taxpayer?

The full question and quotation is: What theme is most closely related to this quote from 1938 Tenant to Taxpayer This government relief has simply destroyed the morale of farm labor-has made the laboring class lazy and shiftless-has killed their will to do something for themselves. In fact, farming is not as satisfactory as it used to be all the way around and all because of government interference. - From Tenant to Taxpayer, written December 27, 1938; Name of Person Interviewed Mr. Wilbur White (white, farm owner). Full text is online at The Library of Congress. Theme: culture

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The government did not like labor unions along with big corporations. As a result labor unions were illegal until the 1930's.

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The ancient Egyptian government got workers by labor tax. Labor tax supplied the Egyptian government with workers.

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Why not

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The National Labor Relations Board.

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Mothers need pain relief during labour because labour can be a very painful experience so having pain relief can relive the pain and make labour easier for the mother

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Why is government involved in labour relation