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Q: What grain is widely cultivated and consumed in Asia?
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Where is blessed fenugreek?

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Does corn grow in Asia?

Yes, corn does grow in Asia. It is a widely cultivated crop in countries like China, India, and Indonesia. Corn is an important staple food in many Asian countries.

Which is the Asia's biggest grain market?

Khanna (Punjab, India) has the biggest grain market in Asia.

Where did grain originate?

Southwest Asia

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In Asia, he travelled widely, with no fixed base.

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No, Alexander the Great did not discover bananas. Bananas are native to Southeast Asia and were already cultivated and consumed in the region for thousands of years before Alexander's time.

In what parts of the world has the apple crop been cultivated?

western Asia/eastern Europe

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Parsnips are a root vegetable cultivated in ancient times in Europe and Asia.

Where did onions originate?

Onions are believed to have originated in central Asia, specifically in the region that includes Iran and Pakistan. They have been cultivated for over 5,000 years and are one of the oldest cultivated vegetables in history.

Where is belladonna?

Native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia and cultivated in North America and the United Kingdom.

Where does dill come from?

Dill is native to southern Europe and western Asia. It is widely cultivated around the world and is commonly used in culinary dishes for its distinctive flavor. Dill is an annual herb that belongs to the celery family.