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Q: What group first discovered the benefits of corn?
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Related questions

How did the first Europeans discover corn?

When Christopher Columbus sailed and "discovered" America, he also discovered corn and brought it back to Europe.

What do you call a group of corn?

ears of corn

What food group does sweet corn go into?

Sweet corn belongs in the vegetable food group.

What are the unhealthy benefits of corn?

slow digestion high fructose corn syrup not good

Who discovered renewable energy?

The first people who thought, "I could get that river to turn a paddle wheel, to turn a millstone, to grind my corn".

What did the europeans bring from the Americas?

Maize (corn), tobacco, and indigo were three of the biggest American exports to Europe when America was first discovered.

Is corn c4 plant?

Corn, or maize, is a C4 plant. A c4 plant relates to a group of plants that feature 4-carbon molecules present after the first product of carbon fixation.

What recipe is corn in?

In the vegetable group.

What food group is corn in the new food pyramid?

It is not considered a vegetable, it is a grain

The group of states in the Midwest that produce the most corn yearly are known as the?

Corn Belt.

What are the 3 crops that George Washington discovered?

corn beans cherry

Is corn in the vegetable or grain group?

It is a vegetable.