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Group 18 or noble gases.

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Q: What group has a complete set of valance electrons in their outer energy levels?
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What is the highest occupied energy level of Ba?

4 energy levels with 2, 8, 8, 2 electrons in the energy levels.

What is the group number for elements that have a stable number of electrons in their energy levels?

They r noble gases which have stable valance shell and grotp no. 18

What is the gap between valance band and conduction band in a semi conductor?

Conduction band - The unfilled energy levels into which electrons can be excited to provide conductivity.Valence band - The energy levels filled by electrons in their lowest energy states.

What is the term valance band?

It refers to the energy levels in an atom where the electrons that participate in bonding occupy. These energy levels correspond to those of the s and p orbitals of the outermost shell of the atom being considered.

How many electrons nitrogen has in its outer energy levels?

Nitrogen has atomic number = 7. The outer shell has 5 electrons, it requires 3 more electrons to complete the outer energy shell.

What is energy gap?

there will be only certain energy levels in which electrons get filled up. In valence orbitals there will be many such energy levels and the energy gap between conduction band and valence band is called energy band gap.

Where are the valance atoms in an atom?

Valence electrons are the outermost electrons in an atom. They are located in the outer energy levels or orbitals, specifically in the highest principal energy level. These valence electrons are involved in chemical bonding and determining the atom's reactivity.

What is the number of electrons needed for stability in the groups of the periodic table?

They r noble gases which have stable valance shell and grotp no. 18

Are electrons located in energy levels or electron cloud?

Electrons are located in energy levels within the electron cloud.

What element has 3 valence electrons and 3 energy levels?

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What element has 3 energy levels and 3 valence electrons?

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What are the energy levels of an atom occupied by?

that depends on the number of electrons the more electrons the more energy