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Q: What group of people supported Mussolini in Italy and what did they do?
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Who was the leader of Fascist party in Italy during World War 2?

He is Benito Mussolini. He led Italy from 1922 to 1943. He founded the first fascist political group and later allied his country with Germany in WWII.

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The elections of 1921 is when Mussolini first rose to power, winning 35 seats in the government, and bringing the Facist party higher in prestige. Soon after the elections, he threatened a coup d' etat (a person or party taking complete control over a government, usually with military force) with the help of his paramilitary group the Black Shirts, which he "created" by combining individual Facist groups thoughout Italy. He also took over 25,000 Black Shirts on a march through Rome(which many citizens supported), which got the attention of Victor Emmanuel III, who asked Mussolini to join his prime minister as his right hand man. With some time, Mussolini declared a dictatorship over Italy.

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What group of people supported the party?

All of the answers are correct.

Where was the first fascist government formed?

Fascism is the extreme nationalism. And nationalism is extreme pride for your country. Fascism occurred majorly in Germany just before World War II, when Adolf Hitler rose to power.

Was Mussolini a genius?

Benito Mussolini became the dictator of Italy shortly after the First World War. His political group called "blackshirts" helped him form what today is called the first fascist government in modern day Europe. He was never known as a genius. He did have the cleverness to make Italians believe that he could solve Italy's problems.

Why did Italy become a dictatorship?

After the war, a man named Benito Mussolini organized a new political group called the Fascists. At first, the group was made up of a bunch of men who wore black shirts and were armed with guns and clubs. They were known to often beat those who opposed them. Mussolini soon had many people on his side and a big ‘team’ of fascists. The people thought that Mussolini was going to help them have a “strong government and restore Italy’s greatness”. In 1922, Mussolini took control of the government. Once he was in power, Mussolini became a dictator. His secret police made sure that nobody openly disagreed with him. Mussolini became a dictator to ensure that he gained more power and ensure he wouldn’t lose it.

How was Mussolini's political life?

Mussolini started off as a socialist, but then left the party because of a disagreement about WW1 and the entry of Italy. The socialists believe that Italy should not enter WW1, but Mussolini thought they should. He later joined a Fascist group, and then developed his own Party called the "Fasci de Combattimento". He was leader of this group, which was later accepted into the government. After failing to be elected prime minister, him and his party marched into Rome. The elected government tryed to push them out, but the king refused to let them. Later the king offered Mussolini to become Prime Minister. From then on he changed all the laws to suit him and help him become a dictator.

What did Mussolini's group become known as?

Blackshirts were organized by Mussolini as the military tool of his political movement.