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Q: What group of people who live in certain place united under a single government?
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Which colonies were united under a single government?

Yes, the French.

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Answer People who belive in revolutions are people who are against anyone's beliefs besides their own. If a Government is run a certain way and certain people, meaning a lot of people don't agree with the Governments Policies, they can have a revolution and tumble the Government but we don't see that in The United States or Canada, rather you would see that in third world countries.

When did Depeche Mode release People Are People?

Depeche Mode released People are People in 1984. It was the bands 10th single to be released in the United Kingdom but the first popular single in the United States.

What does revolutionary mean?

Answer People who belive in revolutions are people who are against anyone's beliefs besides their own. If a Government is run a certain way and certain people, meaning a lot of people don't agree with the Governments Policies, they can have a revolution and tumble the Government but we don't see that in The United States or Canada, rather you would see that in third world countries.

How is China's government different from Americas government?

Officially, the United States operates under a federal presidential constitutional republic. Meanwhile, the People's Republic of China operates under a single-party socialist state.

What does the preamble mean by we the people...?

it means that we are all united in the u.s.a.

Why does the government exist because of the people?

The United States is a democracy. The people of the United States make up the nation. The government exists as an efficient means to get what the people want done.

What relationship is established in the US Constitution between the people and the US Government?

"We the people of the United States... do ordain and establish this Contitution for the United States of America." The people create the government.

What is the largest single source of revenue for the federal government?

In the United States, it's Personal Income Tax.

How do governments?

It depends on the government you are talking about. Some may run on the words of a single man, such as a Dictatorship. Some may run with two houses and the input of the people ?ælike the United States.

What is the difference between confederacies and unitary types of governments?

A confederacy or federation is a group of independent powers united in common interest. This is how the United States began, as a confederacy of sovereign states. A unitary government is a single government that has total control over a single country, with smaller government branches merely being an extention of the central government. One may argue that the United States Federal Government of today has more in common with a unitary government than it's name would imply.

Articles of confederation needed to be changed to form what kind of government?

To a stronger central government. They didn't work because everyone was an individual and not united under a single working government.