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The groups that were sent to the concentration camps during the Holocaust were Jews, Roma (gypsies), homosexuals, Soviet prisoners of war, Jehovah's Witnesses and many others.

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Q: What groups were sent to concentration camps?
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What groups were sent to both Nazi concentration camps and soviet labor camps?

People with a Polish background were often sent to both Nazi concentration camps and Soviet labor camps. Both Germany and the Soviet Union wanted control of Poland.

Where were jews sent prior to concentration camps?

They were sent to ghettos prior to the Concentration Camps...

Were Germans sent to concentration camps and why?

Political opponents and dissidents were sent to concentration camps. Also, homsexuals and 'anti-social elements'.

How many families were sent to the concentration camps during the Holocaust?

around 8 million families were sent to concentration camps in the holocaust and in which few made it out alive. ____ The number of individuals sent to concentration and extermination camps was lower than this ...

What is a sentence for concentration camps?

The Allies liberated many Nazi and Axis concentration camps in World War Two.The prisoners of war were sent to concentration camps.

Where were Jews forced to lived?

concentration camps or death camps Edit: Like the above said, they were sent to concentration camps. Although, if they were healthy the Jew was then send to work camps, but before this they lived in the ghettos. (or they had to go hide.)

Why were they sent to concentration camps?

because the camps were set up to hold them.

Who sent the Jews to concentration camps?

The Nazis.

How were they sent to Auschwitz?

They were sent to Auschwitz by train from different concentration camps.

How many Jews were sent to Auschwitz from other Concentration Camps or Sub Camps?

According to numerouse sources and figures, Their's an estimate of 34,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz from other Nazi Concentration Camps or Sub-Camps. According to most Historians, it widely agreed that 33,734 Jews were sent to Auschwitz from other Nazi Concentration Camps or Sub-Camps.

What kind of camps did Hitler establish to send the 'undesirables' to?

They were sent to concentration camps ...

Who were the first groups to be effected by the concentration camps?

Well technically the first groups affected by the Concentration Camps were Criminals and Political Opponents of the Nazi Party. However, the earliest and most effective group to be effected by the Concentration Camps were the Jews.