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Q: What h as the same composition or made of the same kind of atoms?
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Is elements atoms?

Elements are made of atoms. Each element is made up of the same kind of atoms, having the same atomic number.

What is the name of a molecule that is made up only of the same kind of atoms?


Do atoms and molecules mean the same thing?

Molecules are made out of atoms, without atoms there are no molecules. Charged molecules (ions) will form compounds as elements do, by combining in whole-number ratios with the ions of other elements and compounds.

What is the substance made up of atoms?

The atoms of an element are all identical.

An element which is made up of atoms?

They all are. A lump of iron is made from loads of iron atoms, a lump of aluminum is made fro aluminum atoms. Compounds and mixtures are made from a combination of atom types bonded together.

Are the atoms in a substance the same if the substance changes states?

On heating there will be a change in the physical state not chemical composition. So the number of atoms will be the same even after change in state.

How are all atoms similar?

all atoms of the same kind of matter have the same number of protons in them. 🙈

Is aluminium oxide an element or compound?

Aluminium oxide is a compound 'cos it's made of 2 kinds of atoms. If it has to be an element, it has to be made of same kind of atoms like graphite/diamond/H2(gas).

What kind of atoms has the same number of protons as electrons?

Only electrically neutral atoms.

What is the difference between elements and atoms?

An atom is the smallest piece of an element. Said another way, and element is made up one and only one kind of atoms.

Is Matter that consists of all of the same kind of atoms are called compounds?

matter that consist of all the same atoms is call rimjobbing

How do you recognize that two molecules are indeed isomers?

They will have the same molecular formula (or at least the same numbers of constituent atoms.)