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You tell them you're straight.

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Q: What happen if a gay person try you and you straight?
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Should a gay person try to make him or her self straight?

Nahh, if you're gay you will be fine. Once you get older you will find that it's not weird

I'm straight but i have an attraction to a gay friend once i found out he was gay what should i do?

Try it.

How can you tell if a straight guy is flirting with a gay person?

Well,.......hmmm.......tough one.....Well let's a straight guy is trying to cath attention of a gay guy. It means the guy who is "STRAIGHT" is attracted to him. So he wants to try the flirtations to see if it would work on a gay guy. The gay guy is really liking this but is really surprised to be talking to a straight guy. But it feels normal.

How do you fight off gay people?

Unless you are specifically being attacked by a group of gay people, there is no reason to fight off "gays".

Do parents force their kids to be gay?

No. No one can force anyone to be gay. But parents frequently try to force gay kids to be straight (also impossible).

What would happen if an gay like you?

If a gay person likes you, you should consider it a compliment. If they try to make an unwanted advance at you, simply let them know that you aren't interested. They will most likely back off.

Are some straight boys gay?

Secertly maybe yeas and maybe no; but it's no one's place to try and out them because either way, straight or gay or bi, it won't end well. If they say they are straight accept that unless they say otherwise. Well if they're straight, how can they be gay? Use some common sense...

How can you tell if a supposedly straight person is gay?

You can't really tell unfortunately, it is something someone has to share with you, if they are hiding it they are probably insecure. You can try and talk to them about it but do not accuse them of being something they aren't.

How do you get a gay guy to fall for a straight girl?

My opinion; don't try and make someone be someone who they don't want to be . if he wants to be gay let him be gay . his life his choice . simple :)

Is there a way to have a normal friendly relationship between gay men and straight men?

Gay individuals whether man or woman do not have a green horn jutting out of their forehead. Often times straight people are unaware that someone they know is gay and if they do and like the person then yes, the friendship can be a lucrative one without the fear of the myth that the gay person will try to make their straight friend do something they do not want to do. Honesty and good communication skills are a must. Talk about it openly and where the straight person stands, but remain friends. Often gays make the best friends and can be more loyal that some straight people. If you have a gay friend then stand beside them if your straight friends tease you about being gay as well or, say disgusting things to your gay friend stand up for that friend. If someone is confident in the friends they choose who are kind; caring and loyal and allow society to dictate who they should be seeing then they simply don't have a backbone and may lose out on a lifetime friendship.

Why gay want to be a girl?

Gay guys are born that way, it is not a choice. Being gay is something you either are or you are not. For the most part, at least at the beginning, gay boys don't want to be gay and while some have trouble accepting who they are, because of society and their views on homosexuality. Many of them (as I did when younger) try to act straight, be straight, and deny the possibility of being gay. So actually the majority of gays, until they accept who they are, would prefer to be straight, NOT GAY.

What do you do if your 9 and gay?

it is very hard to tell at that age you could be just confused about sex and your own identity but if you are sure then try and find another boy and try it or wait til you are older then try both straight and gay sex out.