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The Exception will be thrown/displayed in the console and on screen (If it is a UI based application) and the system will exit. The JVM does not continue execution if any exception is encountered during execution

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Q: What happen if an exception occur and an exception handler cant be found in java?
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What is a TrapHandler?

A trap handler, also called an interrupt handler or interrupt service routine (ISR) is a program that executes when predefined events occur in a computer. There are software and hardware interrupts. An interrupt causes the computer's processor to stop running its current task and immediately run the trap handler to service the interrupt.

Is this run time checking mechanism done by c plus plus?

There is no such thing as a runtime checking mechanism in C++. The compiler can only catch compile time errors. You must provide any additional checks yourself, to handle any exceptions that may occur at runtime. Failure to handle an exception results in an exception error at runtime. The end result is that the program crashes but, if debug information is available, you can easily locate the source of the exception and thus determine how best to provide a handler for it. But this mechanism is not handled by C++ itself, it is handled by the debugger.

What does uncaught exception javalang error mean in a Blackberry curve 9320 and how do you fix it?

The solution to this problem is simple... You should go to Options > Advance Options (Applications) > BB Key > Edit Permisions > Set to default. The error will go away, BUT, you will lose your previous app permissionss and they won't have access to specific functions.

Can you describe how Exception Handling is implemented in C plus plus?

Exception handling is a programming language construct or computer hardware mechanism designed to handle the occurrence of exceptions, special conditions that change the normal flow of program execution

How are exceptions handled in Java?

Exception: It is a Runtime error Exception handling if done by1)Error detection2)Error Reporting3)Error HandlingIs implemented by following keywords try,catch,finally,throws,throwstry{}If exception occurs in try block the appropriate exception handlers that is associated with the try block handles the exception.try block must have atleast one catch block follows it immediatelycatch(Exception e) {}The catch statement take object of an exception as parameter .If an exception is thrown the statements in the catch block is executed.There should not be any statement between try and catch block.we can have more then one catch block for one try block.finally{}It not mandatory to have a finally blockSometime it is necessary to process certain statement whether exception occur or notfinally block exceutes even if exception occurs or notOther then try catch block we directly handle a exception by using throws keyword throw keyword allows us to create user define exception

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What is a TrapHandler?

A trap handler, also called an interrupt handler or interrupt service routine (ISR) is a program that executes when predefined events occur in a computer. There are software and hardware interrupts. An interrupt causes the computer's processor to stop running its current task and immediately run the trap handler to service the interrupt.

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"Occur" would work, however, happen is appropriate in most situations.

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Halogens occurs naturally as salts; an exception is HCl from volcanoes.

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Is this run time checking mechanism done by c plus plus?

There is no such thing as a runtime checking mechanism in C++. The compiler can only catch compile time errors. You must provide any additional checks yourself, to handle any exceptions that may occur at runtime. Failure to handle an exception results in an exception error at runtime. The end result is that the program crashes but, if debug information is available, you can easily locate the source of the exception and thus determine how best to provide a handler for it. But this mechanism is not handled by C++ itself, it is handled by the debugger.

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