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Failing to file a tax return and paying any taxes that may be due. The penalties and interest will continue to be added together and you will end up with a large debt at some time in the future if you continue to do this.

And like any criminal act by anyone here may be dealt with very harshly. An illegal alien would be deported of course and like any criminal perpetrating a fraud here the US government would ask, and likely receive co-operation from the aliens country in seizing assets and getting compensated for the damage it's citizen did, which normally pretty much guarantees imprisonment when that person is returned to the home country.

Obviously, with the new laws requiring the I-9 on hiring paying anyone, and some other forms, an employer has a tough time not withholding on a legal resident/visiting alien. Virtually impossible. The withholding rates for them are different plus they normally must have all inverstment income (like interest or dividends) withheld upon.

Perhaps considering the many of hundreds of thousands this all applies to, or the millions it has, and concluding that the governments here (and anywhere) have seen it all before many, many times - and they don't like losing money - in fact they LOVE collecting as much as possible from non-voting people, would help determine how easily they find and handle this type of behavior.

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Q: What happen when non US citizen not paying taxes?
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If the town takes your property for non-payment of property taxes then you lose all rights in the property unless you redeem the land by paying the delinquent taxes.

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That would depend on the laws in your country and the reason why taxes were not filed. Most legislatures will sanction people for not paying the correct taxes and may imprison people if non tax payment is fraudulent or willful.

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You can choose between a deductible and a non-deductible traditional IRA plan. The deductible one allows you to get a refund on the taxes that you paid previously. With the non-deductible one you fund it with the money you get after paying taxes.

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