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Glucose oxidizes very quickly, and creates a silver mirror layer between the glucose solution and the Tollens' reagent. This is because of how the ketose reacts and reduces the silver molecules in Tollen's reagent.

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RCHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2] + 2OH- -----> RCOOH + 2Ag0 + 4NH3 + H2O

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glucose give silver mirror

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Q: What happen when you react sugar like glucose and fructose with tollen' s reagent and the Fehlings solution?
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What happens when Fehling's solution is mixed with sucrose?

The sucrose does not react with Fehling's reagent. Sucrose is a disaccharide of glucose and fructose. Most disaccharides are reducing sugars, sucrose is a notable exception, for it is a non-reducing sugar. The anomeric carbon of glucose is involved in the glucose- fructose bond and hence is not free to form the aldehyde in solution.

What chemical formula for Fehlings reagent?

The Fehling A solution contain copper sulfate.The Fehling B solution contain sodium potassium tartrate and sodium hydroxide.

What is the result of the seliwanoff test if the solution contains both fructsoe and glucose?

the glucose would remain yellow which is the initial colour of the seliwanoff's reagent. the fructose however being a ketose forms a furfural because of the HCL present in the seliwanoff reagent and reacts with the resorcinol to give a red cherry or pink colour.

Why does sucrose not react to Benedicts when glucose and fructose its components do?

Fructose and glucose are joined by their glycosidic bond in such a way as to prevent the glucose isomerizing to aldehyde, or the fructose to alpha-hydroxy-ketone form. This stops it reacting to Benidict's reagent. However sucrose indirectly produces a positive result with Benedict's reagent if heated with dilute hydrochloric acid prior to the test, although after this treatment it is no longer sucrose. ;-)

What reagent is used to detect glucose in a solution?

You are not supposed to use buret reagent to detect sugar carbohydrates in a solution. Buret reagent is used to detect proteins. Try using iodine ( I2KI)

What does sucrase do in your bodies?

breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose

What reagent is used to test for glucose and starch?

Glucose meter and test stripe

Would raffinose react with benedicts reagent?

Benedicts reagent tests for reducing sugars, so the question is, is raffinose a reducing sugar. Raffinose is a trisaccharide made up of glucose, fructose and galactose. It is not a reducing sugar because all of its anomeric carbons are bonded, so it will not react with benedicts reagent.

Is fructose gives positive test with tollens reagent?

no negative

What does Benedicts reagent do?

It tests for glucose.

What substance is present when Benedict reagent turns red?


If benedicts reagent turns red what substance is present?

the sugar glucose